I've been thinking about buying a pair of melissa shoes I've seen in a boutique while going to work during the past days and I can't still decide myself on the colour..what I'm definitely sure is that I love the concept of these ecofriendly shoes and also most of the designs..especially the ones for Anglomania, the line Melissa and Vivienne Weswood realized together.
sono giorni che vivo nell'indecisione di comprare o meno un paio di scarpe melissa che ho visto in una boutique andando a lavoro e sono ancora incerta sul colore..di una cosa sono assolutamente certa ossia che adoro il concetto che sta dietro questa scarpe ecofriendly e credo che molti dei disegni siano bellissimi..soprattutto quelli della linea Anglomania che Melissa ha realizzato con Vivienne Westwood.
per esempio?
29 gen 2010
25 gen 2010
random thoughts
while preparing my eyes for the hard job they'll do in the following weeks through the millions and billions of images and videos of FWs, I wanted to share some images from the web that -in my opinion- capture some aspects of the vogue from this 2010..by the way is my 100 post! congratulations pluriball!!!
mentre preparo i miei occhi al duro lavoro che li attende nelle prossime settimane tra le milioni di immagini e video riguardanti le FWs, volevo condividere alcune foto dal web che -secondo me- catturano alcuni aspetti della moda di questo 2010..e sono al mio 100esimo post!!congratulazioni pluriball!!
black and white from lightvisionstore
50's atmosphere in the waistline from lillian bassman
glass magazine speaks about laces & asian
20 gen 2010
what is the weather like? aka how to discover the amount of CO2 in the air you're breathing
"climate dress" by Diffus in collaboration with Alexandra Institute, la Danish Design School and Forster Rohner.
18 gen 2010
16 gen 2010
my actual job is in a tearoom. among other things I'm getting great inspiration from the different kind of tea..
for example searching around old files I've discovered these versace spring 2009 dressed that seem to pair very well with tea flower..
14 gen 2010
christien meindertsma
design+organic materials and fabric+ tiny cute items inspired by couture supplies
-project with wool from an organic flock of Panama sheep from Lava lake Ranch, Idaho-
while working??!!!
urchin pouf:
11 gen 2010
if you can't help your life yourself maybe someone else can
Yu-Hun Kim
9 gen 2010
xmas present from N.Y.
this year just before xmas my aunt went to N.Y. and I had envy her really much. to make me feel less sad and poor she went around some spots I had told her in a quick "N.Y. must see list" I've prepared just the day before her departure.
she gave me some presents during xmas day that I want to share with you.
she took her husband and some friends all around brooklyn and williamsburg and to remind me their walking she gave me this
in particular from
she bought me this nice little bag made with recycle material to make it similar to a vintage-retro airmail envelope
the stamps are really gorgeous!
I've also received another great present from N.Y. my dear friend V. that has lived in N.Y. during the last months -I envy her also, so much sometimes my head seems to explode- gave me as present this Kat MacLeod "Decal Dolly". she is so nice sorrounded by her different outfits and little shoes or jewels..
at the end I must say enviousness isn't a great feeling, I must be ashamed. so I've decided I'll do my best to go to N.Y. this summer to give some oxygen to my little heart;)
7 gen 2010
una delle cose più carine del nuovo lavoro che sto facendo è che si trova in un quartiere molto interessante. MONTI. si tratta di un piccolo insieme di vicoletti un pò in stile parigino dove ogni giorni camminando si possono sbirciare le vetrine dei negozietti e delle boutique che si fanno compagnia uno accanto all'altro. l'ambiente è decisamente fashionable, a volte anche un pò costruito, ma ad ogni modo stuzzica il mio interesse. tra le tante boutique originali (tra cui i miei amici del pifebo di cui trovate un post-recensione qui) ne ho conosciuta uno nata dal lavoro di due giovani artigiani-designer italiani che si sono uniti sotto la sigla C.A.M-classe artigiana monti.
trovo che il loro lavoro sia fresco, delicato ma anche coraggioso nelle linee e nella scelta delle fantasie e dei tessuti che a volte sorprendono per la loro semplicità per lasciare spazio in altre occasioni a vere e proprie chicche di stoffa;)
one of the nicest things of the new job that I am doing are that it is placed in a very interesting district. MONTI. there are a bunch of little streets quite Parisian style where every day walking you can have a quick look at the shops and little boutiques you find one close to the other. the environment is quite fashionable, a little fake sometimes, but in any case it picks my interest. among the so many original boutiques (remember my friends from Pifebo? here) I have known one, born from the job of two young italian people, artisan-designer united under the name of C.A.M.-classe artigiana monti.
I find that their job is fresh, delicate but also brave in the lines and in the choice of the designs and the fabrics; they at times surprise for their simplicity to leave space in others to real textile goodies.
here are some pics I've found in their myspace:
ecco alcune immagini che ho trovato nel loro myspace:
sono innamorata di questa stoffa assolutamente decò-belle epoque. semplice e di classe.
che ne dite, piacciono anche a voi?
5 gen 2010
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