6 set 2009

yesterday: Utagawa Hiroshige 's exibition- here in Rome

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I was so surprised by the space and architectural organization of the museum, there was a really japanese atmosphere! even the girls working at the museum were wearing kimonos!!
so, today's inspiration is dedicated to kimonos (old and new).

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wedding kimono from 19th century with cherry and peony flowers (satin de soie)
(courtesy of http://dianepernet.typepad.com/)

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kimono parts
(courtesy of http://www.burdafashion.com)

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contemporary kimono

for the find of the day : Anna Nipponica makes kimono dresses using pure silk and the best quality kimono with gorgeous prints. it is a wonderful story between a grandmother and her granddaughter and their outstanding kimonos.

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and, finishing, one picture from my trip to Paris last year..

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1 commento:

  1. B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L

    One Love,


la mia etichetta
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