22 gen 2013

There's a new bag in town!

Buon anno a tutti dalla famiglia Pluriball!

Per inaugurare questo nuovo inizio vorrei prensentarvi il nostro nuovo modello di borsa:

Esterno gommato impermeabile, fodera di cotone a motivi rurali e campestri.

Questo formato A4 è il primo ad esser stato realizzato, con diversi rivestimenti interni.
A breve presenteremo anche gli altri modelli, la "quadratina", i portafogli e tanto tanto altro!

Tenetevi informati con Pluriball seguendo il blog e anche il nuovo profilo pinterest:

a presto!!!

To initiate this new year we would like to launch our newest TOTE.

Exterior rubber-coated, waterproof; cotton lining with rural-country drawings.

This A4 size is the one we have created, with various interior lining.
Shortly we will present other shapes, the "little black bag", our wallets and lots more!!

Keep you posted on Pluriball with our blog but also connecting with our brand new pinterest profile:


la mia etichetta
DISCLAIMER: Unless stated, the images used are not the property of Pluriball, and are not used for commercial purposes. When appropriate, photos will be linked to their respective retailers and designers within the post or are credited with the proper website, photo agency, or photographer.
If you own the rights to any of these images and do not wish them to appear on this site please contact PLURIBALL and they will be promptly removed.